
Note    N546         Index
Her first name is very hard to read, I could be Sarah or even Lucy. The prevailing opinion is the former, although Eric Beresford believes it to be the latter. If they followed the naming convention, it is likely that her mother's given name was Margaret. I have been unable to find her baptism or her burial anywhere. I have recenlty found a 1616 will for a Thomas Webb, alias Wolford, of Cherington which leads me to wonder whether she baptised a Webb? And there is a Luce Webb, daughter of Nicholas Webb of Stourton, baptised on August 24, 1616.

Since in his will Henry speaks of his wife Alice, did Lucie die and Henry remarry or was she really Lucie?

The Parish Registers for Cherington show two possible candidates for an Alice. The first one is Alice Mason, who was baptised March 7, 1597/98. There is no mention of either a father or a mother. The second is Alice Bevington(?)? daughter of Thomas Bevington, baptised July 10, 1598. On a straight statistical basis, there were far more Masons than Bevingtons in Cherington at that time.

Then there is Whichford. There are two possible candidates there. There is an Ales Sturche baptised February 10, 1583 and an Ales Wincott baptised March 23, 1583. Those seem too early so it is more likely that it would be Ales Awbery baptised February 19, 1601, Alse Talor baptised January 20, 1605, Aylis White baptised February 18, 1607, Alice Smith baptised February 22, 1608, Alyce Gibbs baptised December 20, 1611, Alice West baptised October 23, 1614, or Alice Slatter baptised December 25, 1619.

Of course, she could have been from anywhere around there.


Note    N547         Index
I have obtained a copy of her will from Clive Holtum. It was appartently proven on April 10, 1710, in Cherrington.

In the name of God Amen ye 16 day of July 1705 and in ye 3rd year of our gracious Majesties Reign Queen Ann I DEBORAH HOLLTOM of Cherrington in ye County of Warwick, Widow tho' infirm of body yet of good & perfect memory, prais'd be Allmighty for it do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament this manner & form following: That is to say

First I recommend my soule into ye hands of Allmighty God, hoping and assuredly believing through ye mercy and intercession of Jesus Christ to receive remission & pardon of all my sins & to inherit eternal life hereafter; 2ndly I desire that my body should be buried decently in ye Parish Churchyard of Cherrington. As for those worldly goods it hath pleased God to endow me with I do dispose of them as followeth.

First I give unto my daughter Deborah my eldest & unto Ann Attwood my youngest daughter all my household goods & linnen equally to be divided between them.
Item:- I give & bequeath unto my Grandaughter Deborah Sturch ye sum of five pounds:
Item:- I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Attwood being my youngest ye sum of of five pounds to be at her disposal & ye Chest in my Chamber I lie in:
Item:- I give unto my Grandson Joseph Holtom two pounds.
Item:- I give unto Ann Holtom ye daughter of my son Joseph ye sum of one pound.
Item:- I give unto Sarah Holtom ye daughter of my eldest son Nickolas ye sum of one pound.
Item:- I give unto Deborah ye daughter of my eldest Daughter Deborah Sturch my trunck in my Chamber.
Item:- I give unto Deborah ye daughter of my son Joseph Holtom ye sum of one pound.
Lastly-I give unto Deborah ye daughter of my eldest son Nickolas ye sum of twenty shillings.

All ye rest of my Goods & Chattels I give & bequeath unto my son Thomas Holtom, my debts being paid, legacies & funeral expenses being discharged, whom I do make ye son Executor of this my last Will & Testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal ye day & year first above written.

Richard Bishop Deborah Holtom
Robt Sturch her Mark X


Note    N549         Index
Based mainly on following the lands through various wills and comparing the families described therein with the baptisms, marriages and burials, I am reasonably confident that this individual is my direct ancestor. From his burial date and his MI, I have an approximate year for his birth. Unfortunately, the baptism records for Whichford are such that I cannot be certain who his parents were. It is possible that he was the son of Edward Timms, who was the son of Henry Timms. If I could trace the property in Whichford which Henry deeded to his son Edward, I would likely know. There may even have been a whole additional generation there, since Edward was born in about 1662.

Herewith his will:

In the name of God Amen, I Edward Timmes of Stowerton in the Parish of Whichford and the county of Warwick Yeoman being of Sound Mind and Memory, Praised be Almighty God for the Same, Do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, That is to Say, Imprimus I commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God my Creator, hoping and Assuredly trusting in and thro' the above merits of Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to obtain everlasting Life, My Body I comitt to the Earth to be decently Buried at the discretion of my Executors herein after named, And as to Such Wordly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Blefs me I give and Dispose thereof in manner following, that is to say, First I Give Devise and Bequeath unto my Son Henry Timms and his Heirs all that One Yard Land lying and being Disposed in the open and Common fields of Stowerton aforesaid which I lately purchased to me and my Heirs of and from Stephen Jarrett, Thomas Harris and William Harris with all my proffits Comoditys advantages as Hereditriments and appurtinces to the Land belonging. And Also all that Close, or Inclosed Ground called Enfield Close which I purchased of and from William Frampton Situate lying and being in Stowerton aforesaid with all the appurtinces to the land belonging. To hold all and Singular the aforesaid Premefses, to my said son Henry Timms his Heirs and Afsigns for ever. And it is my Will Direction and meaning that my Said Son Henry Timms his Heirs Executors or Administrators Shall within Two Years Next after my Decease pay or cause to be paid unto my son William Timms the Sum of Fifty Pounds of Good and lawful money of England, which I do hereby direct Shall Stand Charged upon the Said Premefses herein before Demised to my said son Henry Timms---------------------------------------------------------------

Also I give Devise and Bequeath unto my son John Timms and his Heirs all that Close or Inclose Ground with a Fodering Yard and a Barn Erected on the Land, they all lying and being on the South Side of a Lane Called Mill Lane in Stowerton aforesaid, With all proffits Comoditys and advantages to the Same belonging. And Also all those Several Closes or Inclosed Grounds in Stowerton aforesaid which I purchased of one Thomas Bishop Comonly Called Bishhops Enfield Closes, with all appurtences to the Same belonging. To Hold to my said son John Timms his Heirs and Afsigns for ever. And Also all that Close of inclosed Ground Comonly Called or known by the name of the March Close. Situated lying and being at the upper End of the West Side of March Lane in Stowerton aforesaid with all the appurtances to the same belonging. To Hold to my said son John his Heirs and Afsigns for ever— And it is my Will Direction and Meaning that my said son John his Heirs Executors or Administrators shall within Three Years Next after my Decease pay or cause to be paid unto my son William Timms the sum of Fifty Pounds of Good and Lawful Money of England. Also I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Timms the sum of Ten Pounds to be paid her by my Executors herein aforenamed provided this is agreeable to my wife, if not, then the above mentioned Ten Pounds I Give and Bequeath to my beloved wife for she to dispose of the same according to her own pleasure.---------------------

Also I give unto my beloved wife Judith all my Household Goods (only the best Bedd and Bedding thereunto belonging I give to my son John Timms) and Implements of Household of what ever nature or kind soever which I shall be in pofsefsion of at the time of my Death, also Two Cows and Ten Sheep.-------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------

All the Rest residue and remainder of my personal Estate, Stock of Cattle, Corn, Grain and Hay Implements of Husbandry, Chattels, ready Money, Securities for Money, and personal Estate whatsoever, or wheresoever, not before Disposed of by any other act or Deed, - after payment of my Just Debts, Legacys, and Ffuneral Expenses, I give and bequeath unto my said Two sons Henry and John Timms to be equally divided between them Share and Share alike.- And I do hereby Constitute and appoint them Executors of this my Will, hereby revoking all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made In Witness whereof I the Said Edward Timms have to this my Last Will and Testament (Wrote and Contained on one Sheet of paper) set my Hand and Seal this *** Twenty Third Day of may in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty One------
Signed Sealed published and Declared by the Testator as and for his last Will
and Testament in the presence of us, who in his presence, and at his request,
and in the presence of Each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses.

John *** Frederick Edwards Ben Claridge