Note N424
The parish records for Cherrington are full of Attwoods, starting as early as 1550. There is an "Ann, ye daughter of Richard Attwood and Sarah his wife", baptised March 19, 1726. From the Marriage Index for Cherrington and from the Cherrington Parish records, I know that a Richard Attwood married a Sarah Hemmings on October 17, 1714. They had a son John baptised on May 19, 1731. So, although it is far from definite proof, I am going with those persons as her parents. The only other possible parents that I could see would be Thomas Attwood and Ann Holtom who married on April 4, 1703.
Her burial date comes from the Cherrington Parish records. There does not seem to be a MI for either her or her husband in Cherrington.
Note N425
The will of John Timms of 1801 speaks of a nephew John Timms of Chipping Norton. His wife, Mary, is also a niece. Was she Mary Webb? I have a suspicion that she is the Mary Webb who married John Timms in Chipping Norton on November 19, 1791. That couple had five children starting in 1792. The last two - both named Mary - were buried as infants on February 17, 1797 and December 3, 1799, respectively. Which John Timms might he be? "Uncle John" mentions John, son of Henry and John, brother of Edward of Sutton so that leaves only who? Am I missing a John somewhere? William Timms and Elizabeth Rouse had a John born in 1749. What happened to him? Did he marry and then have a son named John who married Mary Webb?
Note N426
I have guessed as to the Ann Webb who died on the date indicated as the wife of this Walter Webb. Her age would match his approximate age and fit with having children in the right time frame. Of course, this does not match with Judith's mother being Sarah. There is no Sarah Webb in the MI's for Whichford or Cherrington which match with someone being Judith's mother.
Note N427
He was shown as 22 years of age in the 1870 census in New Jersey. Was he a relative who came over after 1852? I tend to think that he was a nephew, likely the son of Robert, the brother of John. He was living with the family of William and Jane Kennedy and their three children: Mary, John, and William.
There is a Nevin Kennedy marrying a Sarah Ruddock in Ryan's Townland on March 26, 1869. He was the son of a Robert Kennedy. That tends to show that he was a nephew of William who was living with him for a while. His marriage certificate says he was a Flax dresser. On the birth registration for his daughter Elizabeth Jane in 1870, he was shown as a painter.
There was a Robert Kennedy, marrying an Ann Jane Jamison in Derry More, Armagh, Ireland. Were they Nevin's parents? Probably not.
Nevin appears in the Newark City Directory from 1872 to 1894. He is at various addresses until 1894, when he would be only be about 47 years old. In the 1891 directory, he is a japeneer living at 73 Hillside Avenue. In the mid 1990s he was living just down the street from his cousin William's widow Jane at 162 James Street, Newark.
In the 1880 American Census, he is noted as 33 years of age. He was born in Ireland. His parents were born in Ireland. He was a japanner. The fact that his first son is named Robert tends to support that his father was named Robert.
Here is the extract from the 1880 census:
Census Place: Newark, Essex, New Jersey
Source: FHL Film 1254777 National Archives Film T9-0777 Page 45C
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
Nevin KENNEDY Self M M W 33 IRE
Sarah KENNEDY Wife F M W 29 IRE
Eliza J. KENNEDY Dau F S W 9 IRE
Robert KENNEDY Son M S W 7 NJ
Nevin KENNEDY Son M S W 5 NJ
James R. KENNEDY Son M S W 2 NJ
William G. KENNEDY Son M S W 9M NJ
I have found him in the 1895 New Jersey State Census. He is living with a pile of people. There is his wife Sarah, and then Robert, Nevin Jr., James R., William G., Sarah R., Laura M., George B., Harvey S., and then a James Ruddock
There is a Nevin Kennedy in the 1900 US census in Kearney, New Jersey who was born in March 1853 in Ireland. This might not be my Nevin since not all the other details match either. This Nevin's wife is Sarah too who was born in August 1850 in Ireland. Her age and birth year do fit. There is only one matching child and that is James R. The ages and birth years of the other children do not always match. The couple does have various children with them: James R. born in August 1877; Sarah R. born in February 1882; Laura M. born in March 1884; George B. born in July 1886 and Harvey S. born in September 1888. It says that Sarah had 10 children, 8 of whom were alive in 1900. It says that Nevin came to the US in 1870. He was naturalized and a grocer by trade. His wife came in 1871. James R. was a salesman and Laura M a clerk. The younger children were at school. They lived on Johnston(?) Avenue.
OK in 1910, there is once again a Nevin and Sarah Kennedy at 38 Johnston Avenue in Kearney. They have four children with them, starting with Sarah who is 28, Laura who is 26, George who is 23 and Harvey who is 22 years old. This time, Nevin is the right age; therefore, I have to conclude that there was some kind of data entry error in 1900. Nevin is still a grocer.
In 1920, only Nevin is left; Sarah has passed. Nevin lives with his daughter Sarah and son George. She is keeping house and George is a Bookkeeper.
Nevin is no longer there in 1930. They live at 437 Chestnut St. in Kearney.