Note N950
Here is his will:
June ye 14th Ano dni : 1667
In the name of God Amen, / I Thomas Mason of Cherrington in the Countie of Warwicke Husbandman, being weake in bodye, but of sound & perfect memorie and understanding (blessed be God therefore) doe make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner following./ ffirst I bequeathe my Soul to God my most Powerful and Gracious Creatour; trusting to be Saved by the Merits of Jesus Christ my ? Saviour and Redeemer; and my Body in Christian Buryal to the Earth ; in Firm and continud Hope of the Reformation thereof to Life Eternal./ And as for the Wordly Goods , wherewith God hath Blefsed me, I dispose of them as Followeth./ ffirst my will is that my loving wife, Margerie Mason, shall pay and Discharge all my Debts; and Allsoe be careful according to Her Power and their necefsities, to maintain ? Estate my Deare children in their minoritie; And Upon this Condition, I doe Grant and give unto Her My House and halfe yard Lands Lying in the Parish of of Cherrington with all Appurtenances thereunto, to be held and inioyed by Her the Sayd Margerie Soo Longe as She Shall continue a widow, and noe Longer. And in case the Sayd Margerie Shall Depart this Life, or Marrie, I doe then give the possession of my House in Cherrrington unto my youngest Son, Thomas Mason and the Lawful Ifsue His Bodye, provided tt He pay unto his brethren, Richard, and ffrancise Mason, Each of them fifthie Shilings./ But if he shall die without such Issue, I doe then bequeath the possession of my aforesaid house to my Son Richard Mason, providded that He pay unto His brother ffrasifse the Sume of ffitie Shillings/ But in case Richard alsoe shall Depart this life without Issue, my will is that my house Shall Descend to my son ffrancise Mason and His Hayres :/ as for the rest of my cattel chattels, and Goods whatsoever, I bequeath then unto my loving wife Margerie Mason, whom I Appoint Sole Executrix to this my last will and Testament; as alsoe my loving Relations Nicholas Steele and William Steele ? ?./ And in witness hereof I have caused my hand and Seale to be Annexed the day and yeare above menshoned
Signed Sealed and published Thomas Mason
In the Presence of
Christopher Smith
William Steele
John Holtom
14 e April 1668
Tho King
Note N951
We know that she married an Eden as the will of her mother mentions the two sons and two daughters of her daughter, Elizabeth Eden. There is an Elizabeth Eden, wife of ? Eden buried November 22, 1676. That could be she.
Note N955
Here is his will:
In the name of God Amen this fifteenth day of September one thousand seven hundred and twenty seven I. Francis Mason of the parish of Cherrington in the County of Warwick being of sound and perfect memory and understanding [praised be Almighty God therefore] I do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following] First I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator hoping to be saved by the merits and intercession of Jesus Christ my Redeemer my body to the Earth to be buried in a decent and Christian like manner by my Executor hereinafter named and as for that worldly Estate of money and goods which I have to dispose of I give and devise the same as followeth Item I give to my wife Martha Mason the sum of fifty shillings to be paid to her or her Assigns within one year next after my decease and my will is that she may enjoy the house I now live in during the term of her life and that the annuity of forty shillings a year which I formerly settled upon her may be duly paid by my sons Thomas Mason and Tidmam Mason Item I give to my wife Martha my least Barrel Item I give to her my Doughkiver(?) to use the same so long as she shall live and whereas I have forty shillings now in the hands of my son William Mason I give and devise the same to him Item I give to my son Thomas Mason the sum of ten shillings Item to my grandson William Gibbs I give the sum of five shillings Item to my grandson Francis Gibbs I give the sum of five shillings All the rest of my money goods Chattels and Estate whatsoever after my just debts funeral expenses and the ? above mentioned shall be fully satisfied and discharged I give and devise to my son Tidnam Mason whom I make my sole executor of this my will and I do hereby revoke and make void all former wills by me heretofore made either by word or writing satisfying and confirming this to be my last will and testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Francis Mason to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who at the request [and in the presence of the testator] have hereunto scribed our names as witnesses
Note N956
Since she is mentioned in her husband's will of 1727, she must have still been alive then. I have made her a Tidnam because of the will of her son Tidnam Mason in which he refers to some furniture formerly belonging to his uncle Richard Tidnam. If it is truly an uncle, then it had to be either his mother's brother someone married to one of his aunts. There is a Richard Tidnam having children, including a Richard, in Cherington in the 1620's and one baptised there in 1669.
However, Jeff Mason feels that Martha was his second wife, a widox named Martha Cox from Sutton under Brailes. In her will of 1727, Martha speaks of various children who seem to be of the Cox lineage and of a debt owing to her from Tidman Mason.